Tuesday, September 6, 2011



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We lost this talented art rap pioneer in 2010. He was a rapper, painter, and sculptor. If he were alive Dan would have liked to meet him. His work was so out there he scared me with all the three dimensional  science fiction figures coming at you in the fluorescent room of the Art In The Streets Show. His music was playing as you walked around his black light room. Dan kept going back for more. Rammellzee believed that lettering "could liberate the mystical power of the alphabet." He had 21 masks that he designed that he wore for music and art venues. He was directed in Stranger Than Paradise by Jim Jarmusch. He was influential to the Beastie Boys and Cypress Hill. Rammellzee's name remains a secret to only his closest friends. Wild man Rammellzee will not be forgotten.

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