Saturday, September 3, 2011




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REVOK did an unforgettable wall with SABER,  and RISK that was fantastic. I kept walking back to that wall to see the three styles blended together and study the detailing of the wall. The wall had incredible improvisation and you could feel the energy of the three artists on the wall. REVOK is in his 30s and he was born in Riverside, California. By the time he was twenty years old he was noticed in the street art world in LA, Nashville, Atlanta, and Miami. His writing style got noticed in SF and it was called 'cyber-cholo" graffiti. He is one of the most imitated writers of today. He has traveled to China, South Korea, Japan, Canada, and Australia. His street art has been displayed at dizzying heights. In 2007 he painted a pink billboard advertising Takashi Murakami's show at the MOCA and for whatever reason it was removed. The moment it was removed from the MOCA Murakami wanted it for his collection. Quite a compliment to the artist REVOK.

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