Thursday, August 25, 2011


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When Bansky is asked about his technique, he states, " I use whatever it takes." Bansky is a sought after artist from Bristol, England. His art demonstrates satirical pieces on the subjects of culture, ethics, and politics. I am a fan. The more I view the image of the girl on the stool with the rat looking up at her I bust out laughing and realize I must be one of those twisted art appreciators, because I find his work innovative, funny and profound. He has recently branched out into cinema and television. His first film, Exit Through The Gift Shop was shown at the Sundance Film Festival and he has done introductory works for the Simpsons. His images are complex and he uses stenciling technique to convey his art. His work is controversial. This does not bother me a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Exit through the Gift Shop was fascinating. (also loved the title). I must be a twisted art appreciator as well...the girl and rat cracks me up, as does the flattened Yogi Bear.
